'Changed Mind' returns are accepted up to 7 Days after receipt. Please email us in the first instance to alert us that you wish to return your item(s). No reason is needed unless you wish to provide us with feedback. However, if your item has arrived broken or you have received the wrong item, please get in touch with us as soon as possible, as we have procedures outside of our standard returns policy in place to help protect your purchase.
Goods must be returned in the same condition in which they were sent out and re-packaged carefully in order to arrive back to us in good condition. Buyers are responsible for return postage costs, unless otherwise agreed.
PLEASE NOTE: Overseas/Worldwide customers (outside the UK) are advised that, per our standard Returns Policy, a customs declaration MUST be included on the return pack and the item marked as "Returned Goods". Without this, Two Skies may be liable for UK Import Duty on the item. If this is omitted by the customer and Duty is payable by Two Skies Ltd, this amount may be deducted from any refund.
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Keywords: Ethical Scottish Gold, Returns & Refunds Policy, Privacy Policy